Creative Lab

Here you can find some interesting side projects, and open-source contributions I’ve made in my free time.



A toy note-taking web app built with Go and React.

Serve Hey

A survey builder built with Vue.js.

Jumars Tindahan

A sample cart app written using Alt and friends.


Personal swag with React

Order Form

An credit card validation input with React.


React HOC Compose

Compose factory components on the go.

React Uploadi

The bare minimum to build file upload user interfaces.

React Confirm

Replace native `confirm` function with yer modals.

React Tabs Manager

Build tab functionalities for complicated layouts. An advanced alternative for react-tabs.

React Accordion

Build markup-agnostic accordions

React Timesheet

An opinionated timesheet component for React

React Infinite Scroll

A simple infinite scroll React.js component



A low-level jQuery plugin for node hiding and showing through css transitions

jQuery Modal

Spawn modals with jQuery



A Digital Ocean-esque CSS Starter Kit


(n.) minimalistic stylesheets


An extremely simple Jekyll template for documentations


Discord Jaybot

Discord bot that posts random fancy photos of the one and only Jayson

Cookie Machine

A universal/isomorphic cookie library

npm Scripts Info

Display the description of your npm scripts

Dota 2 Responses Slack Bot

A Slack bot referencing Dota 2 responses to appropriate chat messages.

PLDTFIBR Wifi Password

A mac-address reverser to obtain the default password of a PLDTHOMEFIBR Wifi.

Archived & Hackathons


A grading application for Pasay High School. Built with Laravel.


A dissertation mobile app to manage a self-served laundromat. Built with Ionic.


A quote reference website. A clone of BrainyQuote.


A dissertation web app to manage a dental clinic’s customers and schedules. Built with Laravel.


Web user registration for Valiant ROSE Online. Built with Laravel.

Dream Rose Online

The web app for Dream ROSE Online. Built with Laravel.

Osmena Times

A rushed news system. Built with Laravel.

I Want More!

You can catch more of my code at GitHub and CodePen. For articles I’ve written, follow me on Medium.